Golf Reservations Simplified

Discover the Ultimate Golfing Experience

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  • Simple Booking

    Sent Request form then we will give you tee time and charge

  • Reasonable Booking Charge

    Booking Charge starts 1,500yen / person

  • Free Travel Information

    You can find a lots of useful information for golf travel in Japan

What is Japanese Golf ?

Most golf courses in Japan are membership courses and have strict about etiquette and manners. Some of them are very unique. Please take a look at the following video. Make sure you study Japanese golf culture golf before you visit.

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How to Book ?

Submit Request form
Send request form with required information such as your name date golf courses you want to play titleber of players golfs and so on
Confirm Tee Time and Charge
We will contact golf courses and get back to you with tee time and price
Pay Booking Charge
If you agree then pay booking charge so that your request would be confirmed
Send All player names
At least 2-3weeks before(depend in golf courses) play day. You need to send all players names for each flights
Pay Play Fee at the golf course
You can pay your play fee at golf course directly or pay advance directly to golf course


Can I request one ball?
No In Japan you need to request tee time at least from twosome if you are a guest player.
Can I pay all charges include play fee?
Yes, but it will be much higher than you pay directly to golf course because you end up with paying tax twice.
What is maximum players to request?
